Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Just wanted to update on how this pregnancy is going. I am now 17 weeks, and I look like I'm 30 weeks! I cant belive how big I'm getting! I was this size with Landon at 7 months! I am on blood thinner shots everday, due to my blood disease. This has NOTHING to do with me being RH-. This is because I am very high risk for blood clots. I take an aspirin a day for me, but because I am pregnant and producing more blood, an aspirin wouldnt cover me and the baby. There would be a risk of blood clots going into the placenta and killing the baby if I wasn't on these shots. The specialist in Columbia said women do really well on these shots! Dustin gives me the shots every morning, and is doing really well. He hates to give them to me because they hurt sooo bad, but knows I have to take thme for the baby. The first week the whole left side of my stomach was covered in bruises. This week we started on the the right side, and I dont know if its because my skin is use to is, or Dustin is doing better, but there is harldy no brusing. They still hurt real bad, but nothing like it was. We go May 1st for an ultrasound in Columbia. They will check the babies brain and make sure there isnt no activity in there that shouldnt be. If my blood (rh-) is attacking the babies blood (which may be rh+) it will show in the brain. If it is, they will give the baby a blood transfusion every week until I deliver. They have already told me that they will induce me at 37 weeks. We will also find out what we are having! YAY! They have a 4D ultrasound machine, so if the baby cooperates, we should get a really good pic! For some reason, I feel like I'm having a girl. It may jsut be my emotions taking over. I would love a brother for Landon, and another Mommy's boy, but a little girl would be perfect as well! It doesnt matter to us, as long as me and the baby are healthy! We will keep you updated!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

He Has Risen....

We love Easter time! We love bunnies, Easter egg hunting, time with family, candy, but most of all, it is a wonderful time to think about Jesus dying for us and rising in 3 days. We love God wit hour whole heart and if you dont have Christ in your life, you dont have anything. He are some pictures of our Easter 2009!


Landon still LOVES bath time! It also gives me and Dustin a break to relax. We fill the tub with toys and bubble and sit down with Landon while he plays! Lately since I've been soooo tired, Dustin has been giving Landon baths and getting his pajamas on! I've missed out on the fun but I did get to take some pictures!

Terrible Two's - Full Swing

I know its been a while since I've posted, just been really tired with this pregnancy! I'm just starting to get my energy back!

Landon has a small TV that we have in the living room. My mom gave him this TV, and he wont watch it in his room by himself yet, so we had to put it in the living room with us. This particular day, he was being very quite. I looked at him from the side and asked what he was doing. He said, "nuttin mommy, turn around." I seen a pile of milk on the floor. What he was doing was putting a mouthful in his mouth, and spitting it out. I told Dustin to go get my camera, because even though this was a bad thing he did, i still wanted a picture of it. I said, "Landon, why did you do that?" He lifted his hands to the side and said, "I dunno know." I got it on camera!! Here are some proof of Landon in his TERRIBLE TWO'S!!!