Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our Angels

The last week has been very stressfull, emotional, hard, depressing, unbearable, overwhelming, tiring, difficult, but at the same time it has been joyful. As you know, I was scheduled to have another blood transfusion Thursday, August 6th at Palmetto Richland in Columbia. Everything went good with the procedure, so they have to monitor me for 4 hours after to make sure the baby does good. It is very stressful for him to have this done. They first have to put a large needle through my stomach and give him some medicine in his thigh to paralyzy him during the procedure to make sure he doesnt move. After we give it a couple of minutes to work, they then stick a 30 inch needle throught my stomach, go through the uterus and placenta, to the umbilical cord and transfer all the new blood through there. It usually takes about 1 hour to do it, and I am awale the whole time. It is painful for me too, but I can handle it. The baby's heart rate kept going down so they decided to keep me and do an ultrasound Friday. Friday during the ultrasound, they couldnt get the baby to move at all, and his heart rate kept going down all during the day so they had to keep me one more night. They said they will redo the ultrasound Sat morning. He still wouldnt move then, and his heart rate just dropped down so they had to do an emergency c-section. He came out weighing 6lb 8oz, but over 2 pounds of that was fluid that was trapped in his body. He looked real swollen and I never heard him cry, so I know something was wrong. He came out with no heartbeat, or heartrate. I had to get my tubes tide b/c it would be too risky for me to have another child, and the Drs. kept asking me while I was on the operating table if I was sure that I wanted them tied b/c it looked like my baby wasnt going to make it. I had no choice but to get them tied. I didnt get to see Trevor the first day he was born, and was really scared to b/c all the Drs. kept telling me how sick he looked. I finally was able to see him Sunday and when I did, I just lost it. I broke down. He looked so swollen and pitiful, that all I could thing about was that it was my fault that he was like that. He stayed on 100% oxygen for 2 days, and his kidneys didnt work for the first 2 days. As of today, August 16th, he is on 31% oxygen, his pee output is real good, and he is doing alot better. He was getting 4 blood platlet transfusions a day, which a normal premie gets one or two a week. They have cut that down to 2 a day, and he had a blood transfusion last night. He still is real swollen. He hasnt been able to open his eyes, or move his arms or legs b/c he is so swoll, but I know he is on the road to recovery. All the nurses and Drs. say they didnt think he was going to make it over the first weekend he was here, so we already know he is a miracle and a strong little boy. We might be here a couple of more weeks, months, or days. It just depends on how he does. Landon is doing good and he is staying with the grandparents. They switch off every day or so with him, and we got to keep him Thursday - Saturday. He misses us and knows he has a brother who is sick in the Hospital. He hasnt been able to see him yet. We are so blessed to be at Palmetto b/c their NICU is number 1 in SC and number 3 in the Nation. Please continue to remember baby Trevor and all the other babies in the NICU.