Today, Sunday, is mine and Dustin's 7 year Anniversary. It seems like just yesterday when we got married. Around 1:45 today, Dustin said, "About this time 7 years ago, you were getting ready to walk down the aisle. And I was sooo nervous!" I told him I was nervous too! We both know that we made the right decision. Dustin told me today, "I knew that I loved you and I wanted to be with you forever. That's all that really mattered. I know we were young. But why wait when your sure?" He is so wonderful! I melted all over again! What he told me next just completly made me realize just how much he love me and our not-so-perfect life together. He said, "If I knew before we got married, that we were going to have a son to die at just 5 weeks old, I would still marry you all over again." I was speachless. Could I say the same thing? I mean, here he is, telling me that if he KNEW that he was going to have to face the most horrible thing that can ever happen to a parent all over again, that he would. I wanted to immediatly tell him, "Me too Dustin." But I couldnt. It was like I couldnt speak. Here we are coming on to Trevor's 2nd Birthday, and the pain is still here like it happened just a few seconds ago. I felt ashamed that I couldnt answer him back with the same answer that he gave me. But I guess that's why we dont know what the future hold. Because if we did, we might would be too scared to do anything. And that's when I realized, I would do it again. Even if I knew. I wouldnt have a healthy 4 year old boy and a happy healthy marriage if I didnt marry the love of my life. God knew that I would need someone as strong as Dustin to get through loosing a child. And I thank God for knowing what's best for me, my family, and Trevor. So Happy Anniversary Dustin! Looking forward to this weekend for our getaway! Just the 2 of us! Love you always!